Based on the expertise of the two founding partners, Rafael Barreto Bornhausen and Lauro Cavallazzi Zimmer, the law firm Bornhausen & Zimmer Advogados was founded in 1999, in Brasília/DF to serve the needs of clients in matters involving administrative and tax law.
The firm currently has offices in Florianópolis and São Paulo, and has long been providing its clients with excellent, time-efficient and cost-effective legal services. Also, it uses legal software with cutting-edge technology to ensure greater security and outstanding performance.
Our firm has an optimal organizational, personnel and physical structure to meet the needs of our clients. We can quickly expand if needed, and invest in staff education and training as well as cutting-edge technology on a regular basis.
Av. Prefeito Osmar Cunha, 183
11º andar - Ed. Ceisa Center – Bloco C
Centro - Florianópolis/SC
CEP 88015-100
Rua Jerônimo da Veiga, 164
3º andar Conjunto F/H
Jardim Europa - São Paulo/SP
CEP 04536-900